I met Alex and Chelsea Workman at the YoungPastors conference in Dallas last year. Since then, we’ve been dreaming together of how I can grow in stewardship of God’s calling on my life. This first letter reflects some of our discussions. My hope is that these q&a’s will refresh your love for Jesus.

P.S. For future letters, I hope to add some questions from you! (you can email them to grow@aliciachole.com or send me a tweet @aliciachole!) I’d love to hear your thoughts, so each month I’ll be giving a gift to someone who comments on the Q&A!

ALEX & CHELSEA :: Alicia, 2015 is a big year for you! What is God speaking to you in this new season?

ALICIA :: This year is filled with milestones for me and for my family. My doctorate has been completed and we’ll celebrate in Portland in a few weeks. Barry completes his certification as a spiritual director the end of May. Jonathan will graduate from high school and turn 18 this summer. Barry and I celebrate our 25th Anniversary in June. And I turn 50 in October. It’s a really big year!

Personally, I expected 2015 to feel like a year of closure and it does, but it seems even more so a year of commissioning. Completing the DMin was far more meaningful than I anticipated. I can’t yet express fully how the past three years of study surprised and shaped me. God spoke to me very directly about leadership and about influence.

Looking back, I’ve been mentoring now for 30 years, speaking publicly for 17, and writing professionally for 12. During my studies at George Fox, God challenged me to think anew about influence, tribe, and investment in the faithful souls who graciously sense that God has grown them through His calling upon my life.

In short: God challenged me to not confuse humility with passivity.

It is time for me to arise and steward more strategically the small but deep influence God has entrusted to me.

ALEX & CHELSEA :: Is that the “why” of this new offering of a monthly letter?

ALICIA :: Absolutely. In everything I write and speak, my ache is always for others to grow in intimacy with God. I’m hoping that this letter becomes a spiritual friend to many.

ALEX & CHELSEA :: So, “intimacy with God”—break that down for us. We hear it a lot. We want it a lot. But what does it really mean?

ALICIA :: Great question. Intimacy with God is love-inspired attentiveness. I call it living in the plural. God is profoundly present. To live in the plural is to think and act and dream and weep…with Him as opposed to solo in our heads. This is what Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach referred to as “practicing the presence of God.” But it’s as ancient as Jesus’ invitation to “abide” in John 15.

ALEX & CHELSEA :: Do you think that’s easier for some personalities than others? Are some people just more naturally “wired” for intimacy?

ALICIA :: Certainly some personalities are more naturally wired for various spiritual disciplines, but I believe that all of us are designed for intimacy. Sometimes what comes to mind at the mention of intimacy with God are images of monks in quiet monasteries or peaceful poets by serene streams. But intimacy with God isn’t about vocation or location. It’s about developing attentiveness to God’s presence right here, right now, right in the midst of our messy, often-interrupted, wild lives.

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