“Bring your questions with you.
After all, God really is rather secure…”

At the core, I’m simply a student who believes that reality is a friend (and denial is an enemy) of intimacy with God.

I’m committed to offering words that speak to your head and heart simultaneously so that they can cooperate, instead of compete.

Sometimes we feel God’s presence.

Sometimes we don’t.

And that’s okay because Jesus’ existence isn’t “on hold” awaiting a confirmation from our senses.

Neither is His love.

That’s what I long for: for us to live true as the overflow of living loved.


Join Alicia’s mailing list to receive updates, notices when she’s going to be in your area, and early bird options to her seminars and offerings. You’ll also receive her free 7 day devotional, GodPrints, based on her newest book.


The Night Is Normal:
A Guide through Spiritual Pain



The Sacred Slow: A Holy Departure from Fast Faith offers 52 experiences in unhurried honesty with God.

Join the journey Alicia personally designed for those she mentors.

(The 12-episode companion video series can be viewed here.)

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