Roots Matter
Not every book I read winds up being featured on my social media pages. Within the first few dozen pages of my current read, I knew that this would need to be one of those unnamed books.
Not because it is poorly written: there is serious skill in this author’s pen. Nor because it has no substance: without question, I will learn much from his words and his life.
But because of a spiritual error that seems pandemic in our age: our assumption that emotions–if sweet enough–somehow sanitize their sources.
Yes, we all ache to experience God.
But roots matter. If we disconnect our desire for spiritual experiences from the uniqueness of Jesus (as the Son of God) and His Word, we risk much.
Though I treasure my spiritual experiences with God, I would rather be emotionally dry yet in Christ, than emotionally giddy anywhere else.
Similar experiences do not automate similar sourcing. Without question, God moves in mysterious ways such as when He grants dreams of Jesus to those who have never heard the name of Jesus. Certainly, since the Creator’s fingerprints saturate every soul, we can learn from every soul. And yes, Christianity is an experiential religion in that it is relationally anchored in a Savior who still lives.
But we must be careful because our emotions can be moved by many things. Their movement does not make sacred what moved them.
Jesus did not die on the cross to give us good feelings but to give us eternal life. We walk with Him by faith, knowing that Christ is in us. (Col 1.27) Feel nothing or be overwhelmed with emotion–it changes Him not.
And when you observe others overwhelmed with emotion from a different source than Jesus–envy them not.
Roots matter.
“And now, dear children, continue in Him.” 1 John 3:29
I’m still working through the role and purpose of emotions. Isn’t there also a gift in being able to acknowledge the pain of others, by giving space and name to their emotions, rather than telling them to pull up their socks? I understand that my emotions don’t dictate His steadfastness, and that I can be aware that my emotions may interfere with seeing things as He does. Given they are part of being human, I want to understand more!
God made us as emotional beings and He displays emotions in the Scriptures too. Emotions seem to be windows into our souls. The challenge perhaps is not mistaking them for truth. They are real and denial about them does not one any good. But real and true are two different things. Personally, I try to be gut honest with God about my real emotions and then I work steadfastly to position them BEHIND truth. So, for example, I really feel discouraged AND I know that God is for me. I really feel afraid AND I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God.
Thank you for promoting truth and encouragement. I am in the process of reading your first book “Anonymous”. Your words are powerful! I thank God for your ministry.
Dr. abc,
I enjoy watching you, I enjoy your approach, in a world full of experiential excitement I am encouraged by your post Roots Matter.
Post modern society has left far too many Christians aching for something “new” too often, searching with the itching ear to hear something different. The beauty and symmetry of the Gospel of Jesus is the fact that HE alone is worthy, HE alone is well able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we could ask or think. Content with His sanctification for us which is immutably His work of glory and most often without our help in doing so. That the real Christian life is one of “knowing” and not one of doing, feeling and experiencing. Knowing that God in Christ just “is” removes the slippery slope of experiential zeal.
Beautifully stated, Teresa! Thank you.
Yes, and I also have gleaned tremendous new insight into Jesus life- I have always pondered the passage in scripture”Though He were a son, yet He learned obedience through the things which He suffered” The book Anonymous has taken me months to finish , as I often could only read a few sentences and then have to meditate on the Deep new meaning and insight it presented. Thank you Dr Britt Chiole!
Thank you, Christy, for your encouragement!
I heard Alicia speak last night on a TV Program “Praise”. Her depth of insight was like living water flowing from the Throne of Grace into my soul. I have been “in Christ” for 40 years and I, too, have wondered about the direction of Christianity in its everything good now and experiential driven way of life. How soul feeding to hear what Alicia has had to say about our true walk with Jesus. I heard her say, and it so resonated with me, that He is our true treasure above all else. I pray she keeps spreading her true Gospel message. She is after the kind of women like Kay Arthur, and Elizabeth Elliot. Real truth is so strengthening to our minds, to our souls, and to our spirits. Thank you, Alicia for sharing what God has planted in you.
Oh my, to even be mentioned in the same paragraph as Kay Arthur and Elizabeth Elliot is such an honor. Thank you, Anna, for taking the time to reach out and send such deep encouragement my way. Peace to you!
Your statement that “Jesus did not die on the cross to give us good feelings but to give us eternal life” really struck home with me. Our family has been through a few tragic moments lately and I kept wondering how I am still standing. Now I know it’s because God took over so my soul could rest and be rejuvenated. Thank you for your sharing your wise words of wisdom with us. God Bless you and your family!
God bless you too, Woogena! And forgive me for just now finding your comment. Clearly I should have done the WordPress blog tutorial :-). Pain does sensitize our spirits in sturdy and sustainable ways. He wastes nothing. Peace to you!
Thank you Alicia! I was just discussing this very subject with a friend this morning. Emotions can lead us astray, but God’s Word never will. I have also found union with Christ often surpasses human emotion. I appreciate your uncompromising stand for truth!
The Word–what a gift to us. To think of the day in which we live; a day in which we can read and study the Word freely…May we always treat this privilege as the gift it truly is. Thank you for your encouragement!
Coming from a religious background that seemed to validate every true experience with Christ by emotional ferver, I have had to learn to trust God in the quietness of my soul and to affirm that He is with me, even though I feel very much alone at times. I believe He is maturing me.
Yes, so true and so powerful. Your words echo the wisdom of so many writers I respect. Peace to you.
Thank you so much for this post. I’ve been in several “emotionally charged” events in the past few weeks, yet somehow walked away wondering what the outcome would be after all the hoopla was over. I thought feeling emotionally dry was a bad thing, but I do not feel far from God, so thank you for reminding us that He is our anchor no matter what.
And thank you for your encouragement!
Well-written. The beginning of God’s relationship with us is through the cross. The intimacy of His Word spiritually disciplined into our days embarks us on a road of emotional security as opposed to emotional highs. Our lives flow in His immutability. Such a marvelous journey.
Please pray for me as I pray for you.
Oh yes and yes, Robyn! What a marvelous journey it is! Thank you for reading. And forgive my delayed response. I just saw your comment today. As I mentioned a few minutes ago in another comment, clearly I should have watched the WordPress blog tutorial. 🙂