
Roots Matter

Not every book I read winds up being featured on my social media pages. Within the first few dozen pages of my current read, I knew that this would need to be one of those unnamed books.

Not because it is poorly written: there is serious skill in this author’s pen. Nor because it has no substance: without question, I will learn much from his words and his life.

But because of a spiritual error that seems pandemic in our age: our assumption that emotions–if sweet enough–somehow sanitize their sources.

Yes, we all ache to experience God.

But roots matter. If we disconnect our desire for spiritual experiences from the uniqueness of Jesus (as the Son of God) and His Word, we risk much.

Though I treasure my spiritual experiences with God, I would rather be emotionally dry yet in Christ, than emotionally giddy anywhere else.

Similar experiences do not automate similar sourcing. Without question, God moves in mysterious ways such as when He grants dreams of Jesus to those who have never heard the name of Jesus. Certainly, since the Creator’s fingerprints saturate every soul, we can learn from every soul. And yes, Christianity is an experiential religion in that it is relationally anchored in a Savior who still lives.

But we must be careful because our emotions can be moved by many things. Their movement does not make sacred what moved them.

bibleJesus did not die on the cross to give us good feelings but to give us eternal life. We walk with Him by faith, knowing that Christ is in us. (Col 1.27) Feel nothing or be overwhelmed with emotion–it changes Him not.

And when you observe others overwhelmed with emotion from a different source than Jesus–envy them not.

Roots matter.

 “And now, dear children, continue in Him.” 1 John 3:29



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