The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico and Fra Lippi As I type, presents and wrapping paper surround me. The unseasonably warm weather beckons me. A to-do list calls to me. And the dishes, well, they are still there. My writing room, and my heart, have been a wee bit crowded of late.

It began with gorgeous things. It normally does. Opportunities and celebrations and invitations…to love, to give, to serve…my immediate family and my extended family of faith. In years gone by, it might have taken me months to awaken to the reality that too much good was starting to clutter the space my soul needs to breathe deeply and to live in love. By God’s grace, it now only takes a few days and sometimes only a few hours before that quiet alarm begins to sound deep within.

What are the signs? For me there can be several:

1.  My head-talk starts shifting from Jesus + me to just me.

2. I begin to stare at people without really hearing people.

3. My office time becomes uneven, with too many hours invested in countless quick tasks and too few hours invested in more enduring and complex offerings.

4. I am more easily distracted…by the news, by my friend’s posts, by the weather, by, well, that squirrel…

When all four signs occur simultaneously, I know that the manger of my soul is quickly approaching capacity.

431px-Gertrude_Kasebier-MangerWe tend to crowd our mangers, don’t we?

My mother crafted a gorgeous nativity set years ago from ceramic. The set options are many from sheep to wise men to assorted angels. As a child, I crowded as many actors as I could into that manger scene. As an adult, a crowded manger is simply unsustainable.

This Christmas, let us expend the effort to keep the scene simple. In reality, it is not the wrapping paper that clutters our lives. The clutter is in our heads and in our hearts.

In less than two weeks, my next book ( will be released. 40 Days is about decreasing and un-cluttering our hearts so we can see Jesus more clearly (and so others can see Him more clearly through our lives). Decrease is truly a discipline we need year-round.

Today, I am leaning upon Jesus for the discipline to thin the crowded “manger” of my heart so that I can gaze upon Him more fully.

May He help me, may He help us all, honor the sacred space reserved for Him and Him alone.


Learning together: What are you doing this holiday season to avoid overcrowding the manger of your soul? (P.S. I’ll be sending one of the first signed copies of 40 Days of Decrease as a gift to someone who comments below! Feel free to share the gift opportunity with those you love.)

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