Sensing God

Sensing God

If Jesus is with us continually, why do we not sense Him evenly? Why are there crescendos in our awareness? Why are there rests in which we sense nothing? When we speak of “sensing God’s presence,” we are crossing multiple dimensions. Our physical senses are earth...

Not A Feeling

After a worship service years ago, one of my children said, “Everyone else feels God but me. Maybe I don’t really know him.” “Or,” I suggested, “maybe knowing God isn’t about a feeling.” In our experience-addicted age, we tend to assume that intimacy with God is...
Jesus and me

Jesus and me

Four days ago I was soaking in the sun and Son’s warmth on a desert prayer retreat in Phoenix, AZ. Today I am typing in a waiting room preparing for my routine breast cancer follow-up and a small procedure in (rather chilly) Chicago. Much is different. In the desert,...
Reality and Mystery

Reality and Mystery

Frank Laubach prayed, “If every annoyance can be made to remind me to turn and grip Your hand and ask You, ‘What are you saying through this vexation?’ then I can turn life’s rough spots into Your vocabulary.”1 Reality—be it vexing or blessing—is a friend of intimacy...


“Follow me,” Jesus said.* Jesus’ “follow” invites us to write resignation letters to self-leadership. Jesus’ “follow Me” promises us that we will never be alone. Often the only way God can guide us into His purposes is...

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