In Dry Seasons

In Dry Seasons

Cooking is not in my primary gifting cluster. I could live indefinitely on avocados, mangos, and nuts. But I will never forget a lesson my gourmet Dad taught me about making gravy. “Dad, I’m supposed to make gravy for the group tonight. It’s crazy thin. I must have...
Sensing God

Sensing God

If Jesus is with us continually, why do we not sense Him evenly? Why are there crescendos in our awareness? Why are there rests in which we sense nothing? When we speak of “sensing God’s presence,” we are crossing multiple dimensions. Our physical senses are earth...


mile·stone /ˈmīlˌstōn/ noun: an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development. Milestones: my response to one surprised me this week. After all, I have graduated before: from highschool, from college, from grad school. None of those milestones...
Disowning Disgrace

Disowning Disgrace

It was not her fault. She certainly did not ask for it. She did nothing to earn it. But she still chose to own it. Elizabeth owned disgrace: “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.” (Luke 1.25) This sentence has...
Jesus and me

Jesus and me

Four days ago I was soaking in the sun and Son’s warmth on a desert prayer retreat in Phoenix, AZ. Today I am typing in a waiting room preparing for my routine breast cancer follow-up and a small procedure in (rather chilly) Chicago. Much is different. In the desert,...

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